Tuesday, January 26, 2016

"Success by Design"

"Design thinking is a collaborative process and a human-centered approach to problem solving that helps people and organizations become more innovative and more creative."

 ~ Bill Sherman

Monday, January 25, 2016

Modularity - The Architecture of Customized Solutions

MAIN Street - The Humanist Module:

This module is designed to create an awareness of the limitations of an analytical social science approach, and make practitioners better understand the usefulness of humanistic, literary, and historical conceptions of society. A mathematical and statistical foundation is necessary for any scientist, but what changes a social science technician into a social scientist is a recognition of the limitations of the models and their problems. This module would be designed to provide it, and this module is sorely lacking in economics, Finance and Business Training.Today. ( ie Empathy / Design Thinking )

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Human Capital Matters....

Don't forget to add your your Human Capital - to the Balance Sheet as an asset  in the Game of Life...

Monday, January 4, 2016

MAIN Street - Connecting to Our Clients...

If Your not close to your Clients ...You're out of Sync with your PURPOSE...

Sunday, January 3, 2016

MAIN Street @MainandWall

The celebrate and improve the human condition...