Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Cover the Spectrum of Financial Planning Issues

The process Was desinged to cover 6 Parts

1- Cash Flow
2- Taxes
3- Investments
4- Insurance
5- Retirement Planning
6- Estate Planning

All to often the Industry Cuts corners and focuses on the most profitable "product" areas and  forget the rest
Seee side bar

Friday, January 21, 2011

mainstreet is newtonian and euclidian - wall street id fractual and chaotic

That's why economists have such a hard time trying to predict the markets - using the wrong models - models are too limited

Portfolio management is a systems of systems Modular and symmetry

Financial planning is a system of systems

Estate Planning is a systems of systems

Putting these two worlds together is MW/WM

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Get it Right

Your Role - Hire, Fire

Life is Not Linear and deterministic, it evolves - your kids must find themselves the teacher and the student

The Role of Main Street - The role of Financial Planning - The confusion of Wealth Management

Your role in the process the modular world and the ability to evolve instesd of Starting Over

The Role of Main Street - The role of Financial Planning - The confusion of Wealth Management

The purpose of the Main Street Module ......

Define and refine your gane plan....your role in the procedd....everyone id wrong; broken plans the harvard misstep etc expand your world....

Main street the warm blooded side of the street - The Human Side of the Duality

It has nothing to do with Investing - That is the the cold blooded side of the street - wall street - Main street beeds notoriously bad investors ie the odd lot theory the math is asymmetrical and counter intuitive