Everyday Life, People & Commerce, the butcher, the baker the candlestick maker...
Financial Professionals: Accountants, Lawyers, Bankers, Real Estate and Insurance Agents....
The job of MAIN Street @MAIN & WALL is to make sure you are Structurally Sound and keep you Financially Fit.
Our Service : MW/AMFM - ALPHA MATRIX Financial Management
Our Approach is Modular and Cash Flow based...
and designed to provide UNITY of PURPOSE
AGENDA: Cover the Spectrum of Life Issues, Fine Tune Your Cash Flow and Protect Your Assets.
What We Do, What We Don't: This is where we spend the time to analyze your current situation, discuss Your World and define Your "it". We then collaborate with your other financial professionals to develop and coordinate a Comprehensive Financial Plan that will:
- Identify Strengths & Weaknesses
- Set & Prioritize Clear Goals, Objectives & Time Frames
- Make specific recommendations and seek best fit solutions
- Provide ongoing monitoring & adjustment to stay on track
- Prepare you for your next Appointment >>>
We do not provide legal or tax advice nor do we sell insurance or receive commissions of any kind. We are not a sales organization. Professional Advisors have an ethical responsibility to act in your best interest. As a Registered Investment Advisor, we have a legal fiduciary responsibility as well. We charge a fee for this service so we can be objective and you can be assured that your best interests are being served at all times.